Special occasions of October

Festivals celebrated in October 

  Events Of October 

October 2 
Gandhi Jayanti 
September 29
October 7 


October  4-8 
Durga Pooja 
October 7 
Ayudha Pooja   
October 8 
October 26  

Gandhi Jayanti 

Essay on Gandhi 

            'Mahatma Gandhi' ( Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) was born in Porebandar of Gujarat, India on 2 October 1869. Mahatma Gandhi was the great Indian figure who enlightened the world with the principles of truth and non-violence. After passing the Matric Examination he went to England for higher studies. Gandhiji completed his law in England and came back to India in 1893. He started his career as a lawyer.

Social Life of Gandhiji was started in South Africa. In South Africa he faced many hurdles. He discovered that the white men were ill treating the dark Indians there. He himself was tortured and insulted by the white often. One day, he was travelling in a first class compartment of a train. He had booked a ticket for him. Still he was evented and punished out of the compartment by the white men. Gandhiji fought against this unjust and cruel treatment. He observed Satyagraha there and became successful.

He belonged to an age when the principle of “Might is right” was the notion of the time. Countries were engaged fighting each other while displaying their powers.After returning to India, he got the task of getting the country freed from the foreign rule.Gandhi condemned the mass killing incident of Jalianwala Bath.The people of the country, under the great leader, marched to Dandi and produced salt.

 They were protesting against the unfair British tax regime.Gandhi was a supporter of indigenous cottage and khadi industry. The Swadeshi and Boycott movement inspired millions of Indians to come forward for the cause of the nation.During the “Quit India movement” he asked Indians to “Do or die” for the freedom of the country.He was a saint. He was praised even by the British community.

Gandhi's style of living was very simple. He was follower of 'Simple living, high thinking'. He taught us the lesson of 'Ahimsa'. He removed the caste barrier in India. He was a reformer. He was shot dead by an Indian on his way to attend a prayer on 30 January, 1948. Mahatma Gandhi is remembered in the world for his major virtues. 
                                                                             (Kanishka-class 6)                                                        

Facts and Quotes of Gandhi 

                                                                ( Sarvada - class 11)

  • The 1982 movie Gandhi won the Academy Award for best motion picture.
  • His birthday is a national holiday in India. It is also the International Day of Non-Violence.
  • He was the 1930 Time Magazine Man of the Year.
  • Gandhi wrote a lot. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi have 50,000 pages!
  • He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times.

  • Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Karamchand was the name of his father. The honorific title Mahatma, or "Great Soul," was given to him in 1914.

  • Gandhi took an early vow to avoid milk products (including ghee), however, after his health began to decline, he relented and started drinking goat’s milk. He sometimes traveled with his goat to ensure that the milk was fresh and that he wasn’t given cow or buffalo milk.
                                                                     (kriish mandarkar -class 4)


    Reasons for why we celebrate Navaratri

    Navratri which means “Nine Nights” is celebrated to honor the Mother Goddess Durga. Throughout this period, Mother Goddess Durga is worshiped in all of her divine forms including Goddess Durga, Goddess Kali, Goddess Saraswati and Goddess Lakshmi.
    We celebrate Navratri for nine days and twice every year. Navratris are celebrated at the juncture of seasonal changes. One at the beginning of summer and other at the beginning of winter.At these seasonal junctures, Mother Nature undergoes a major change, and that is welcomed through the Navratris by celebrating Goddess Shakti, who is an embodiment of Nature itself.
    The Hindu festival of Navratri is celebrated for 9 (nine) full days in almost every part of India. The Navratri festival honors and celebrates Maa Durga. The festival chiefly celebrates the victory of good over evil wherein Devi Durga defeats and overpowers the buffalo demon in the form of Mahisasura. The festival is also closely linked to the victory of Lord Rama over demon King Ravana. In all the nine days of Navratri, nine different forms of Devi Durga are worshiped which are Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahaguari, and Siddhidatri. There are different stories behind every goddess.

    How they celebrate Navaratri in India :
    People set up steps and place idols on them which is known as “Golu.”Elaborate Puja ceremonies are performed, and the Goddess is worshiped with all devotion and dedication.The Utsava Murthy is decorated, and Vedic offerings are performed followed by Chandi Yagna (Homa).Ayudha Puja is also performed where people worship implements which are used in daily life such as utensils, kitchen tools, vehicles, books, and computers.Goddess Durga blessings are invoked for success in coming years. People start new ventures and purchase new household items on these festive days of Navratri.

    Why we are advised to take navaratri food in temple :

    The common foods allowed during the nine-day Navratri fasting include fruits, vegetables, kuttu aata, sabudana, samak rice, dairy products and sendha namak. And the two most common foods that are not allowed in your diet are onion and garlic. People who observe fast and even many of those who don’t, omit onion and garlic from their foods during the nine-day Navratri.
    According to Ayurveda, foods can be divided into three categories, depending upon their nature and the response they trigger in the body after being consumed. The three categories are:
    • Raajasic foods -(Rajas and Tamas are referred to things that are unripe, weak, resentful and                                    destructive - junk foods . During Navratri, people are supposed to denoun the worldly foods pleasure and adopt a pure and simple life for nine days. And having                                    raajasic and taamsic foods during this time is believed to distract your                                          focus.)
    • Taamsic foods      
    • Saatvik foods      -( Saatvik foods include fresh fruits, curd, rock salt, seasonal vegetables and                                  subtle spices like coriander and black pepper.)

    During fasting, people eat saatvik foods. But besides the religious aspect, there is a scientific reason behind it. Sharad Navratri falls in the month of October- November, which also is the transition period from autumn to the winter season. Due to the seasonal change, our immunity tends to decline. Thus, switching to saatvik food during this season gives your digestion some rest and cleanses your body of all impurities.

    Garlic and onion omitted , why ?

    Onion and garlic are considered to be taamsic in nature and are said to invoke carnal energy in the body. Onions also produce heat in the body and thus are not allowed during the Navratri fast.

    Garlic along with onion is known as Rajogini, which means a substance that can make one lose grip over their instincts. This makes it difficult to differentiate between your desires and priorities.

                                                      (umaarasi - class 11)

    Pictures of golu from our School Students :


                                                                       (Vijayadeeksha - class 11
                                                          yalini - class 6
                                                                Umaarasi -class 11)


    Poem on Diwali 

    Deepavali is here, Deepavali is here
    That grand festival of Lights
    That ends evil after a protracted fight
    When good with all its might
    Leads us from darkness to Light.
    That great festival of sound
    When crackers and laughter abound
    When crackers and sparklers light up the sky
    When delighted children jump with joy.
    That gorgeous festival of snacks and sweets
    Where everyone enjoys a royal feast
    When old and young with delight meet
    With love and affection all hearts beat.
    That gracious festival which celebrates victory
    The ancient festival of myth and mystery
    That is mentioned in both mythology and history
    The festival that signals Triumph over Tragedy.

    Deepavali is here, Deepavali is here 
                                                                           (Varunika -class 9) 


     kite day

                     Nothing could beat the joy of your kite flying up high in the air , bringing back the olden golden days our kingdomites had kite day where they made kites and flew them in our school.

             Diwali celebration in our school 

    Green Diwali 

    Green Diwali
    What is Green Diwali??
    When we celebrate our diwali happily without bursting crackers it is known as Green Diwali.
    If you ask can we ever celebrate Diwali without bursting crackers??...The answer would be off course yes because when we burst crackers it only gives us  happiness for a while.But it causes damage to the flora and fauna around us.
    What can we do to avoid it??And how can we celebrate our Diwali without crackers her is the solution.
    1)You can celebrate your Diwali by wearing new clothes.
    2)By sharing sweets.
    3)The money you use to buy crackers can be used to help the orphanage.
    4)Go to temple.
    5)Visit relatives.
    And so on ...you have so many ways to celebrate Diwali as Green Diwali without bursting crackers.
                                         ( manipriya - class 8) 

    Grandparents day 

    One of the Golden gift that we all get is our grandparents.More than just telling you stories they teach you moral values , scold you so that you would shine bright , scold your parents for scolding you care for you more than anyone in this world , and finally bring smile in your face always.For the worlds most precious gift that you get we had grandparents day to increase the bonding between students and their grandparents .

    Cultural talents day

    Culture one of the most important thing for any people in this world and getting to know other culture is a great opportunity and in our school every class students got this opportunity as every class was given a country and we got to go through their culture and express it through a best way in our style ( like elocution,song,dance,skit).


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